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ACPaQ: Fast and reliable automated mixed case palletizer

Does your distribution center need a palletizing solution that is fast, reliable and able to grow as you grow? ACPaQ is a robotic and data-driven solution for store-friendly mixed case palletizing.

The solution takes single SKU inbound stock pallets and builds them into mixed SKU outbound order pallets in a desired sequence.

A data-driven mixed case palletizing solution

ACPaQ combines proven Swisslog technology, such as the light goods shuttle system CycloneCarrier and conveyor systems, with high performance KUKA de-palletizing and palletizing robots to create a fully automated system for order picking of mixed case palletsEach pallet is always built stable, correct and store-friendly, based on individual store planograms, reducing your in-store shelf refilling costs. And is flexible enough to start with a semi-automated solution and add modules as your business grows to eventually move to a fully automated solution.


De oplossing is ontworpen om mee te groeien met uw bedrijf.


Efficiënte processen met tot 1.000 eenheden per uur per robot.


Reduceert arbeidskosten en pickfouten vergeleken met manuele oplossingen.


Reduceert arbeidskosten en pickfouten vergeleken met manuele oplossingen.

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