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เวลาในการอ่าน: 1 นาที
77 percent of employees believe implementing new technology will improve their work experience. But being technologically savvy begs the questions: How can today’s leaders create the buzz for employees who need that extra connection?
Alex Martin, Change & Development Consultant
Market Analyst Aleksandra Laskowska and Global Change & Development Consultant Alex Martin explore how traditional leadership needs to adapt across the automation industry to enable us all to meet the needs of our customers while truly engaging all colleagues, wherever they are working. Some of his key statements:

"The pandemic has not only changed the way people and leaders work, but it has also highlighted some serious questions about the kind of leaders we need to thrive in the post- pandemic work landscape."

"What is truly important is how leaders share their knowledge, demonstrate care for people and the world around them, and make real connections."

"People are trying to connect using social media, intranet, webinars and even with blogs; but they are still missing the mark, particularly from a personal perspective."

"It is leader that serves the people and the organization in which they lead. Swisslog wants to encourage partnership through collaboration with colleagues and customers."

"Anyone wanting to move into leadership needs to truly understand who they are, what their motives are, and ask themselves some key questions."

Future Logistics Software Video Robotics Sustainability Vlogs Micro Fulfillment Light Goods Case Study Vertical Farming Customer Service and Maintenance Design and Planning E-Grocery White Paper AutoStore Pallet Automation Smart Cities
Paul Condron 18 กรกฎาคม 2567
Designing warehouse automation for omnichannel fulfillment

Learn how automation enables retailers to address the challenges of omnichannel fulfillment while providing the flexibility to shift resources and inventory.