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Essity: The Cornerstone of Stacking and Retrieving

Leading hygiene and health company, Essity facility in Hoogezand has a strategic position within the group. Essity chose Swisslog, who in the role of main contractor took charge of the entire project, from design and construction of the new high-bay warehouse – measuring 30 meters high and 120 meters wide with around 27,000 pallet locations.

Swisslog Monorail is the Heart of the System 

The state-of-the-art solution that Swisslog implemented at Essity comprises approximately 1,000 meters of conveyor belts, nine automatic high-reaching cranes, a KUKA layer picking robot and a monorail system. The production departments are connected to the new warehouse by a 500 meter-long bridge that runs across a public highway.
Long-term safeguaring of warehousing quality thanks to far reaching automation


  • Efficient state-of-the-art technology
  • Control over processes and products; minimal chance of error
  • Automation enables cost savings including workforce
  • Reliable re-palletization solution offers maximum flexibility
  • Effective error follow-up and extensive reporting capabilities thanks to Swisslog's SynQ software
  • Clear communication both during and after the project

Questo progetto di Industria 4.0 è fatto di cemento, ferro e software, e l’ottimale integrazione di tutti questi elementi ha dato vita ad un magazzino davvero innovativo, che ha permesso di creare valore sincronizzando al meglio la catena logistica con quella dell’innovazione.

Alberto Manaresi, Direttore Tecnico Pizzoli

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