


Pers_Timo_Landener 2023年6月1日


  • 通过生产制造、流通配送、零售线下订单履约和电商线上订单履约等行业的成功案例,验证了可靠的行业知识和技术

  • 高能效、自动化的托盘存取和灵活的小批量、多批次订单履约

  • 满足全链路的供应链软件解决方案

VIDEO: Alnatura's sustainable distribution center

Alnatura, Germany: High-bay pallet warehouse and small-volume shuttle

Alnatura's distribution center in Lorsch, which features particularly sustainable construction and operation, stands 17.5 meters high and is built entirely of wood. This new logistics center will reduce CO2 emissions – thanks to improved insulation and natural cooling, there is no need for artificial air conditioning.

Swisslog's CycloneCarrier shuttle system has enabled Alnatura to centralize their warehouse logistics of small-volume organic items for the company’s expanding network of stores. This environmentally-friendly solution shortens transport routes and allows Alnatura to manage a larger range of articles.

Future Logistics Sustainability White Paper E-Grocery Customer Service and Maintenance Video Pallet Automation Software AutoStore Robotics Case Study Design and Planning Smart Cities Micro Fulfillment Vertical Farming Vlogs Light Goods
Pers_Bob Hoffman 2024年5月8日
The hidden costs of delaying warehouse automation decisions

Warehouse automation introduces efficiencies that enable organizations to increase productivity, respond faster to orders, and increase storage density. However, securing the capital required to support these initiatives is a hurdle some organizations struggle to overcome. Part of the challenge may be that these organizations fail to fully consider the hidden costs of maintaining the status quo. From falling behind competitors to rising costs to unpredictable service levels, carefully considering the costs of inaction should always be considered as part of the business case for warehouse automation.
