Cinque ottimi consigli per mantenere in salute il tuo magazzino nel 2021

Derek Lang, Vice President Customer Service - Americas 5 gennaio 2021
Tempo di lettura: 4 minuti
Eccovi spiegate cinque azioni che i responsabili di magazzino possono attuare per mantenere livelli elevati di uptime e assicurarsi di essere preparati per il picco successivo durante il 2021...
Informazioni sull’autore:
Derek Lang, Vice President Customer Service - Americas
Vice President of Customer Service at Swisslog Americas
Ulteriori informazioni su Derek Lang, Vice President Customer Service - Americas
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Light Goods Design and Planning Customer Service and Maintenance Video Micro Fulfillment Robotics Sustainability Vertical Farming AutoStore White Paper Smart Cities Case Study Vlogs Pallet Automation E-Grocery Future Logistics Software
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Smart technologies and robotics in cold storage facilities

In the contemporary frozen food logistics sector, automation plays a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency and maintaining quality. Smart technologies and robotics are revolutionizing the cold chain, empowering food manufacturers and distributors to meet increasing demands. As these technologies become integral to operations, it's essential to maximize their potential for capacity and efficiency while maintaining the highest standards.

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